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Omniled 07
  • Omniled 07

    Smart IoT Lamppost powered by wind and solar with integrated energy storage and grid connection that enables multiple integrated applications.

    With our solution its possible to transform a simple street light into a carbon neutral device that can be used for multiple IoT purposes.

    The grid connected unit first uses the available renewable energy. Only if the batteries are depleted it will consume part of the energy from the grid.

    With this, Omniflow systems achieve dramatic savings >90% compared with regular lighting and even >60% with standard LED.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu neque eu leo scelerisque imperdiet in vel augue. Integer pulvinar maximus lorem, eu vestibulum nunc ullamcorper sed.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu neque eu leo scelerisque imperdiet in vel augue. Integer pulvinar maximus lorem, eu vestibulum nunc ullamcorper sed.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu neque eu leo scelerisque imperdiet in vel augue. Integer pulvinar maximus lorem, eu vestibulum nunc ullamcorper sed.



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    3 130,00 €Prix

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